最新网址:s23us “I lost.”(我输了!)


说完这句话,原田武男接着道:“You Z people really powerful, this song mountain flowing water, I study for several years, in my country, my song mountain flowing water can also be regarded as the first few in the country, but did not expect to lose to you.”(你们Z国人果然厉害,这一曲高山流水,我学习了数年之久,在我的国家,我这一曲高山流水也可以算是全国前几了,却没想到输给你了。



“Thank you for your praise, in fact, my Guqin skills in the country is not very good, I only learned this song for three years, has not yet reached the guidance of the teacher, you can come to Z time to see, than I have a lot of strong.”(好,多谢阁下的邀请。)


“All right, everybody, Z's first game against R has been decided. Congratulations to the Z team for a good start, and now to the second member of the R team.”(好了,各位观众们,Z国对R国的第一场比赛已经决出胜负,恭喜Z国的代表队获得开门红,接下来有请R国的第二位参赛队员。)

接下来上来是一个鼻子下面有一排小胡子的男人,男人上来就直接向王富鞠躬,道:“Hello, Mr. Wang Fu, my name is Yoshida, please give me a lot of advice!”(王富阁下好,我叫吉田野,请多多指教!)

“Hello, sir Yoshida, I am Wang Fu, please give me a lot of advice.”(你好,吉田阁下,我是王富,请多多指教。)


吉田野看向旁边的裁判,道:“Hello, referee. Could you please start the game quickly?”(裁判阁下好,请麻烦快点开始比赛可以吗?)


“Hey, man, are you in such a hurry.”(哎,哥们,你就这么急。)

“After all, it is such an important game, let's not waste time.”(毕竟是这么重要的比赛,我们就不要浪费时间了。)

“Well, since you're in such a hurry to get off, I'll give you what you want. Come on, this one, what?”(好啊,既然你这么急着下场,我就满足你,说吧,这一场,比什么?)

“Your excellency, I advise you not to be too arrogant! Well, how about we compare the paintings in Qinqi calligraphy and painting in this scene?”(阁下,我劝你别太狂妄!哼,这一场我们就比琴棋书画中的画,如何?)

“Emm, in that case, I give you the highest honor, Tingting, you come.”(emm,既然如此给予你最高的荣耀,小婷婷,你来吧。)


吉田野有些气愤道:“Sir Wang Fu, what do you mean, let a woman compare with me, do you look down on it?”(王富阁下,你什么意思,让一个女人来和我比较,你是看不起吗?)




 |天才一秒记住 言情小说 s23us.c o m;这一场比的是画,所以工作人员送来了一堆画画用的东西。

